Active directory ou permissions report
Active directory ou permissions report

active directory ou permissions report active directory ou permissions report

One of the questions I also had was knowing which guid to use and when. If you do not cast this, your script will throw an error. Whatever constructor you choose, it is important once again that when specifying a guid to apply it must be cast into the type. You can take a look at the constructors for the ActiveDirectoryAccessRule class here: The next couple lines are fairly self explanatory….until we create the access rule (line 8). If you simply specify a string, the script will fail when creating the ActiveDirectoryAccessRule. It is important that this must be a type. Next, we are defining the group we want to give permissions to. This csv has a column titled OUDN which I am assuming contains the distinguished name of the ou. $OUCSV = Import-CSV -Path (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "OUs.csv") Next, lets look at the following code to add a Deny Everyone Delete Child items with no inheritance to all the OUs in a CSV:

active directory ou permissions report

There are a few other blogs about this topic, but even so this is not an easy topic to wrap your head around.

Active directory ou permissions report